Monday, March 11, 2013



In this ultimate fairytale story, Cinderella finds herself living as a slave to her two stepsisters after her father dies and leaves her to be raised by her evil stepmother. When the King decides his son the prince must find the perfect wife among all the fair maidens in the village, Cinderella is heartbroken to watch her mean stepsisters leave for the ball to meet the prince while she must stay home and work. With the help of some furry and feathered friends, Cinderella is transformed into a beautiful maiden and sent off to meet the prince, but she must be home by midnight or her fairytale will turn into disaster.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

John, Michael, and Wendy Darling spent hours captive in their bedroom daydreaming about what life might be like in the outside world. Along came a young man named Peter Pan who took their imaginations on an amazing journey through Neverland and beyond. Along the way they made friends like Tinkerbell and enemies like Captain Hook who will live in their minds forever.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood

The story of the legendary Robin Hood and his mission to help the poor comes to life in cartoon form with some lovable forest friends in Disney’s Robin Hood movie. Sherwood Forest buzzes with activity as Robin the fox and Little John the bear battle the evil sheriff and Prince John with Sir Hiss the snake caught in the middle. This is funny, happy, enjoyable entertainment for families of all ages.



Mulan grew up in a traditional Chinese family where few things are more important than pride and loyalty to family. When her frail father is called upon to join the Army, Mulan disguises herself and takes his place in battle. When she finds herself falling in love with her commander, the pressure mounts to maintain her cover and preserve her identity

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Princess Aurora was born into a wonderful royal family and blessed with indescrible beauty, charm, and elegance. The sinister, malicious witch Maleficient was consumed with jealousy toward Princess Aurora and placed a wicked curse on her which would mean death on the 16th birthday of the princess. It's up to love of a magnificent prince to save his sleeping beauty.

Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp

When uptown Lady, a well manicured Cocker Spaniel from an affluent family met a downtown mutt called The Tramp, it was canine love at first sight. From sharing spaghetti in the epitome of romantic dinners to dreamy walks through the streets, Lady and The Tramp were inseparable, love-sick puppies on an incredible adventure.



Some dreams never die, they just grow older. When an elderly man pushes to make his lifelong dream of being a real life Indiana Jones adventurer come true, he finds determination and perseverance may be all the tools he needs.